Leon S. Kennedy, the protagonist of Resident Evil 4 Remake

Resident Evil 4 Skippable First Fight Trick

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Fans of Resident Evil 4 will know all too well the anxiety of Leon S. Kennedy’s opening village fight. Facing off against an onslaught of angry villagers, it’s a difficult battle that requires players to be both nimble and well-armed. But did you know that it’s possible to skip the opening village fight? look at how players can sidestep the village battle and avoid confrontation in a cool, John Wick-inspired way.

Back in the original Resident Evil 4, players could avoid the village fight by holing up in a giant watchtower. By staying away from the platform near the ladder, players could wait until the church bell tower rang out, signalling the end of the villagers’ attack. This trick still works in the Resident Evil 4 remake, but there’s another way to skip the fight that’s even cooler.


To make this trick work, players need to use the steeple of the church as a guide. By firing a few rounds at the base of the belfry, players can trigger the bell to ring and the fight to end. Skipping the fight can save players up to four minutes, allowing them to explore the village for ammo, herbs, and other useful items before moving on to the next challenge.

In conclusion, Resident Evil 4 fans looking to skip the opening village fight can do so by shooting the church bell from the rooftop of the main house. While it’s a tricky feat, it’s certainly worth mastering for those who want to conserve resources and avoid confrontation. With this trick, players can save precious time and enjoy a more peaceful, cow-friendly playthrough of Resident Evil 4.

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