A digital artwork of Thor and Kratos standing face to face, with Kratos towering over Thor.

How Tall Is Thor in God of War Ragnarok

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Article Outline:

I. Introduction

  • Background information on God of War Ragnarok
  • Thor’s role in the game
  • Importance of Thor’s height

II. Thor’s Height in Norse Mythology

  • Mythological background of Thor
  • Description of Thor’s appearance in Norse mythology
  • Height of Thor in Norse mythology

III. Thor’s Height in God of War Ragnarok

  • Changes in Thor’s appearance from previous games
  • Speculation on Thor’s height in the game
  • Impact of Thor’s height on gameplay

IV. Factors Affecting Thor’s Height

  • Development team decisions
  • Artistic interpretation
  • Character design choices

V. Comparison to Other Characters in God of War Ragnarok

  • Comparison to Kratos’ height
  • Comparison to other characters in the game

VI. Impact of Thor’s Height on the God of War Universe

  • Significance of height in Norse mythology
  • How height affects the portrayal of Thor in the game
  • Connection between Thor’s height and his power and status

VII. Conclusion

  • Summary of key points
  • Final thoughts on Thor’s height in God of War Ragnarok


  1. What is the release date of God of War Ragnarok?
  2. Is Thor a playable character in God of War Ragnarok?
  3. How does Thor’s height compare to his height in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
  4. Will Thor’s height impact his abilities in the game?
  5. Will other mythological figures, such as Odin or Loki, appear in God of War Ragnarok?

How Tall Is Thor in God of War Ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok is one of the most anticipated games of 2022, and one of the most talked-about topics among fans is the height of Thor. As one of the main characters in the game, Thor’s height has been a subject of speculation and debate. In this article, we will explore Thor’s height in God of War Ragnarok, as well as his height in Norse mythology and its significance in the game.

Thor’s Height in Norse Mythology

To understand Thor’s height in God of War Ragnarok, we first need to look at his mythological background. In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and lightning, and one of the most prominent figures in the pantheon. He is known for his bravery, strength, and fierce temper, as well as his red beard and bushy eyebrows.

According to Norse mythology, Thor was a giant among gods and men, towering over all other creatures in the Nine Worlds. In fact, his height was so great that he had to stoop to enter the halls of the other gods. Some sources describe him as being over seven feet tall, while others place his height at around six feet six inches.

Thor’s Height in God of War Ragnarok

In God of War Ragnarok, Thor’s appearance has undergone some changes from previous games. While he still has his trademark red beard and bushy eyebrows, his physique is much larger and more imposing. His armor is also bulkier, with a thicker chest plate and shoulder pads.

As for his height, there has been no official confirmation from the development team. However, based on his appearance in trailers and gameplay footage, many fans speculate that Thor is around eight feet tall in the game. This would make him one of the tallest characters in the God of War universe.

Factors Affecting Thor’s Height

The height of characters in video games is often a result of a combination of factors, including development team decisions, artistic interpretation, and character design choices. In the case of Thor in God of War Ragnarok, it is likely that all three played a role in his height.

The development team may have wanted to emphasize Thor’s status as a powerful and imposing figure, which is why they chose to make him taller than most other characters. Artistic interpretation also likely played a role, as the team may have wanted to create a more realistic and detailed portrayal of the character.

Additionally, character design choices can affect a character’s height in a game. For example, if a character is designed to have a bulky and muscular physique, they may appear taller than they actually are due to their proportions.

Comparison to Other Characters in God of War Ragnarok

One question that many fans have is how Thor’s height compares to other characters in the game, particularly Kratos. While there has been no official confirmation, it appears that Thor is significantly taller than Kratos, who is already a large and imposing figure himself.

It is also interesting to compare Thor’s height to other mythological figures who may appear in the game, such as Odin or Loki. Depending on how the development team chooses to portray these characters, their height may also play a significant role in their appearance and portrayal.

Impact of Thor’s Height on the God of War Universe

In Norse mythology, height was often seen as a symbol of power and status. The fact that Thor was one of the tallest and strongest figures in the pantheon was a reflection of his status as a powerful and important god.

In God of War Ragnarok, Thor’s height may also play a significant role in how he is portrayed and perceived in the game. As one of the main antagonists, his size and stature may make him an even more imposing and intimidating foe for Kratos and Atreus.


In conclusion, Thor’s height in God of War Ragnarok is a topic of great interest and speculation among fans. While there has been no official confirmation, it appears that he is one of the tallest characters in the game, reflecting his status as a powerful and imposing figure in Norse mythology. His height may also play a significant role in his portrayal and impact on the God of War universe.


What is the release date of God of War Ragnarok?

A: The release date of God of War Ragnarok has not been officially announced yet.

Is Thor a playable character in God of War Ragnarok?

A: While Thor is a prominent character in the game, he is not a playable character.

How does Thor’s height compare to his height in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

A: Thor’s height in God of War Ragnarok may be significantly different from his height in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as the two are separate interpretations of the character.

Will Thor’s height impact his abilities in the game?

A: While his height may play a role in how he is portrayed, it is unlikely that it will have a significant impact on his abilities in the game.

Will other mythological figures, such as Odin or Loki, appear in God of War Ragnarok?

A: It has been confirmed that both Odin and Loki will appear in the game, although their roles and appearances have not been fully revealed yet.

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