PUBG character sitting on a yellow car holding a sniper rifle.

If you are an avid PUBG player, you probably know how frustrating it can be to sit through the tutorial every time you start a new game. The good news is that there is a way to skip the tutorial and jump straight into the action. In this article, we will guide you through the process of skipping the PUBG tutorial so you can start playing your favorite game right away.

Understanding the PUBG Tutorial

Before we dive into the steps to skip the PUBG tutorial, it is important to understand why the tutorial exists in the first place. The tutorial is designed to help new players get familiar with the game mechanics and controls. It covers everything from movement and aiming to looting and inventory management.

While the tutorial can be helpful for new players, it can be a nuisance for experienced players who already know the game mechanics. Skipping the tutorial allows you to save time and get straight into the game.

Step-by-Step Guide to Skipping the PUBG Tutorial

Here are the steps you need to follow to skip the PUBG tutorial:

Step 1: Launch the Game

Launch the PUBG game on your device. You will be taken to the main menu of the game.

Step 2: Click on Settings

Click on the “Settings” button located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will open up the game settings menu.

Step 3: Select Basic Settings

In the settings menu, click on the “Basic” tab located at the top of the screen. This will take you to the basic settings menu.

Step 4: Scroll Down to Skip Tutorial

Scroll down the basic settings menu until you see the “Skip Tutorial” option. Click on the checkbox next to the option to enable it.

Step 5: Save Settings and Exit

After enabling the “Skip Tutorial” option, click on the “Save” button located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will save your settings and take you back to the main menu.

Step 6: Start the Game

Now, when you start a new game, you will no longer have to sit through the tutorial. You can jump straight into the game and start playing.


Here are some common questions players have about skipping the PUBG tutorial:

1. Will skipping the tutorial affect my gameplay?

No, skipping the tutorial will not affect your gameplay. You will still have access to all the game mechanics and controls.

2. Can I turn the tutorial back on if I change my mind?

Yes, you can turn the tutorial back on at any time by following the same steps and unchecking the “Skip Tutorial” option.

3. Do I need to skip the tutorial every time I start a new game?

No, once you have enabled the “Skip Tutorial” option in the settings menu, it will apply to all future games.

4. Will skipping the tutorial make it harder to win the game?

No, skipping the tutorial will not make it harder to win the game. You will still have access to all the game mechanics and controls.

5. Can I skip only parts of the tutorial?

No, the “Skip Tutorial” option will skip the entire tutorial. If you want to skip only certain parts, you will need to manually exit the tutorial and start a new game.


Skipping the PUBG tutorial is a simple and easy process that can save you time and frustration. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can skip the tutorial and jump straight into the game. If you have any questions or concerns about skipping the tutorial, refer to the FAQs section above for more information.

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